- [2011-05-30]Prof. Michael Turner Introduce Conservation of HUL in Tongji
- [2011-05-27]The Silk Roads Heritage Corridors Approach for the Future Serial and Trans-boundary World Heritage N...
- [2011-05-27]Forty-two Sites Considered for Inscription on UNESCO’s World Heritage List in June
- [2011-05-25]Scientific Exhibition for Waterfront Renovation of the Bund Held in Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibiti...
- [2011-05-20]Main Venue Activities for 2011 International Museum Day was Held in Shenyang
- [2011-05-17]Fist Rehearsal Of The “Urban Ring—Campus Campaign On Cultural Heritage Protection” Held In WHITRAP S...
- [2011-05-16]2011 National Working Conference on World Heritage Held in Du Jiangyan
- [2011-05-16]ICCROM Course on Conservation of Built Heritage 2012
- [2011-05-16]Second International Conference of The Society for Conservation of Cultural Heritage in East Asia to...
- [2011-05-13]Theme and Host City Set for the 2011 National Cultural Heritage Day
- [2011-05-13]Third International Intangible Cultural Heritage Festival opened on May 29 in Chengdu
- [2011-05-12]Heritage Promotional Activity – Presentation for Universities and Colleges
- [2011-05-06]Representatives from Italian Protection Society Visited WHITRAP Shanghai
- [2011-05-05]Experts Meeting on Historic Architecture Conservation held in Shanghai
- [2011-05-05]Sino-Italian Design Innovation Center Was Established in Tongji University
- [2011-05-04]Lecture : Is it Possible to Manage Change ? – The Historic Urban Landscape Approach
- [2011-04-09]8 Provinces Along Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal Jointly Apply for World Heritage
- [2011-04-02]Expert Group Guide the Cultural Relics Rescue Protection Work in Yunnan Yingjiang Earthquake-stricke...
- [2011-03-26]National Standards for "China cultural heritage Logo" to be Implemented
- [2011-03-21]Multiple Damages to Ancient Buildings in Yingjiang, Yunnan Province
- News | WHITRAP Shanghai and CNR-ISPC bilateral meeting
- News | WHITRAP meets Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine
- WHITRAP Hosting "Workshop on Preliminary Assessment for National Focal Points of the Asia Region" in Chengdu
- WHITRAP Shanghai meets UNESCO
- Observation of the 46th Session of the World Heritage Committee
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