Global Call for Case Studies: Side Event on “World Heritage Education for the Future” at the 44th Session of World Heritage Committee: Global Innovative Case Studies on World Heritage Education
  PublishDate:2021-05-14  Hits:10066



1     Background

The 44th Session of the World Heritage Committee will be held in Fuzhou (China) from 16 - 31 July 2021. A side event themed World Heritage Education for the Future - Cultural Inheritance, Lifelong Learning and Sustainable Development is scheduled on 17 July 2021. The event will include a high-level forum which invites Ministers of Education to discuss the future of world heritage education.


The event is organized by the World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO (WHITRAP) with the support of the World Heritage Centre and the National Commission of the People's Republic of China for UNESCO. In order to strengthen its role as an international exchange platform for heritage education, the organizer is announcing a global call for Innovative Case Studies on World Heritage Education. The aim is to select outstanding cases which exemplify innovative approaches to world heritage education on a global scale, to share and present these good practices to the widest international audiences and to lead and promote the future development of world heritage education.


2     Organizing Partners


    ◆ Directed by:

        National Commission of the People's Republic of China for UNESCO

    ◆ Organized by:

        World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO

    ◆ Supported by:

        World Heritage Center (WHC)

        International Research and Training Center for Rural Education (INRULED)

        International Centre on Space Technologies for Natural and Cultural Heritage (HIST)

        International Center for UNESCO ASPnet (ICUA)              


3     Application Requirements


    ◆ The case studies must be education activities organized by or for World Heritage sites or to address topics of specific heritage values.

    ◆ The case-study proposal may be one that has been completed (in the last 5 years) or on-going with achieved tangible results.

    ◆ There is no limit to the target audience or groups the education program developed for.

    ◆ Proposed case-studies should be innovative and exemplary in concepts, contents or forms.

4     Selection Criteria


    We are looking for proposals showcased in the following terms:

        ◆ Innovation: innovation and explorations made in the concept and approach to heritage education

        ◆ Technological Application: utilizing creative or advanced technology to protect and promote heritage values

        ◆ Collaboration: high-level multilateral cooperation mechanism and innovative model to promote heritage education

        ◆ Sustainability: socially, economically and culturally sustainable and contributing to the sustainable development of heritage sites

        ◆ Exemplary Significance*establishing a good role model in terms of the overall or specific approach worthy to be promoted internationally

            *The proposed case-study must meet the “Exemplary significance” plus at least one other criteria.


5     Entry Awards


      By becoming a selected case, you will:

        ◆ Receive a certificate issued by WHITRAP

        ◆ Exhibit and present the case study at the side event of the 44th Session of World Heritage Committee

        ◆ Publicize and present the case study in organizer’s website

        ◆ Publish the case studies on relevant international journals

        ◆ Be recommended as a participant to international activities (conference or training, etc.)


6     Steps of Process


    ◆ Phase One: Call for Cases

        Announcement release: 14 May

        Application deadline: 14 June

    ◆ Phase Two: Case Selection and Review

        Preliminary evaluation by international expert panel: 15-21 June

        Final review: 22-24 June

        Announcement of selected cases: 24 June

    ◆ Phase Three: Case Release

        Preparation for presentation: 25 June - 6 July

        Presentation at the side event: 17 July


7     Application Dossier


    ◆ Entry Form


    ◆ Other materials (see item 3.1-3.4 of the entry form for detailed requirements)


8     Rights and Liabilities


    See item 3.4 of the entry form for detailed requirements


9     Entry Form Download

 Entry Form


10   Application Email


    Please submit your application dossier via the following email: 44whc@whitrap.com.

    Email title: WHECase Submission: country+city+case name

    Backup Email: creativeheritage@163.com


11   Contacts


    For further enquiries, please contact:

    WHITRAP Working Group

    Tel: +86-21-65987687





​Content: Li Xin, Wang Tianxiang, Pei Jieting
Review: WHITRAP Working Group
Editing: Xu Xinyu 


Copyright © 2009-2012 World Heritage Institute of Training and Research-Asia and Pacific (shanghai)