"Historic Urban Landscape: Bridging Cultures - HULBriC” Training in Situ
Release date :2016-08-27 Views: 4179

Date   August 27 - September 4, 2016

Application deadline June 1, 2016

Place   Palestrina and Castel San Pietro Romano, Rome, Italy


  • CNR (National Research Council of ItalyICVBC (Institute for the Conservation andValorization of Cultural Heritage, Rome)

  • WHITRAP Shanghai (World Heritage Instituteof Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region under the auspicesof UNESCO, Shanghai Centre)


  • ShanghaiTongji Urban Planning and Design Institute

  • LazioInnova S.p.A.

  • Universitàdegli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata

  • Municipalityof Palestrina

  • Municipalityof Castel San Pietro Roman

  • Tongli Old Town Conservation and Management Committee, Jaingsu Province, China


To promote the implementation of the UNESCO Recommendation on HUL, a MoU was signedbetween WHITRAP Shanghai and CNR-ICVBC in 20113. The specific activity, trainingin situ project “Historic Urban Landscape: Bridging Cultures - HULBric”, isbased on the Agreement signed in September 2015 among WHITRAP Shanghai, Tongli Old Town Conservation and Management Committee,Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Municipality of Palestrina,Municipality of Castel San Pietro Romano, and CNR-ICVBC.

Training project

The HUL Bridging training in situ aims to offer a highly qualified and interdisciplinaryexperience on the conservation, valorization and management of small historiccities to a limited group of participants (15-20 max people from China and Europe;half of them are Chinese and half are European). The course is promoted in thecontext of the activities agreed between the project partners aiming to thedissemination and application of the UNESCO recommendation on the HistoricUrban Landscape – HUL (2011) in relation to small historic towns. The traininghas been conceived as an intensive 9 days residential course to be held in thesmall hill towns of Palestrina and Castel San Pietro Romano, of Lazio Region.The training offer is based on the expertise of Italian University and CNR professors andresearchers aiming to promote and enhance the Italian excellence inconservation and enhancement, while bridging cultures and creating a HULtraining protocol. The course will make broad use of digital and innovativetechnologies related both to the documentation, survey, diagnostics,conservation, and valorization process and to the integrated planning andmanagement one. The course will be centered on a selected urban heritage casestudy that will be investigated in an interdisciplinary approach.


  • To provide participants with the knowledge on urban conservation, sustainable valorization and management of smallhistoric cities;

  • To provide the current knowledge and skills of using digital and innovativetechnologies;

  • To provide participants with the knowledge on applying HUL approach in urbanconservation, sustainable valorization andmanagement of small historic cities; 

  • To promote the exchange of experiences and informationamong participants also with regards to different culturesand traditions;

  • To improvethe communicating skills with the localresidents.


The course is divided intwo parts, a theoretical in situ training of 6 days and a practical projectoriented studio of 3 days: the theoretical part will be based on a multiple activity model including lectures, visits and workshops, the main schedule ofwhich is designed with visits in morning and lectures/workshops in afternoon; inthe project part,  the participants willbe divided in 3-4 groups - five people with different background in each group –which aims to produce a collaborative “en charrette” project of conservation orvalorization and, on the final day, they will present and discuss theirprojects with the professors and local residents.

Daily Program

Detailed daily programme please see in the attachment below

 Daily activities schedule


The international courseis designed for a maximum of 15 persons (half Italians and half Chinese).Priority is given to:

    Practitionersin the fields of architecture, planning, conservation and management

    Graduatedand PhD students interested in planning and management issues relative to smallhistoric towns


A certificate ofattendance given by both WHITRAP and CNR-ICVBC will be awarded to participantswho satisfactorily complete the course.


CourseFee: 350€

Travel,accommodation and living expenses:

Participants will beresponsible for their international round trip travel costs to and from thetraining venue.

In order to coveraccommodation and living expenses during the course, participants should planfor a minimum allowance of €100 per day

To avoid differentorganisational aspects (such as language problems or paying separately dinnersetc.) we would like to suggest that the total allowance of 900 euros (€100 perday) should be given by the participants to the Training secretary from thebeginning for the whole period. Thus, the local organisers should take care topay all hotels and restaurants directly as well as transportation expenses.


Please fill theApplication Form and send it together with the following materials by email ormail to the contact address below:

   A latestand completed professional curriculum vitae;

   A 500 –750 words report on your studies and experience of conducting/participating inplanning, conservation and management relative to historic town and smallsettlements.


Email is encouraged.

All correspondenceconcerning the above course should be addressed in English to:

Ms. Anna-Paola Pola

World Heritage Instituteof Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region under the auspicesof UNESCO, Shanghai Centre

3rd Floor Wen YuanBuilding, 1239 Siping Rd., Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, P.R. China

Tel: 0086 21 65987687ext. 8010; Fax: 0086 21 65982058;

Email: whitrap.app@foxmail.com  Website: www.whitr-ap.org


More information could be found in this website: www.hul-bric.net

Application Form

 Application form

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