“Chaillot Courses at Tongji: Professor Benjamin Mouton’s Lecture Series on Heritage Conservation” Held in WHITRAP Shanghai
  PublishDate:2017-12-12  Hits:4340

From October to November 2017, a consultant professor at Tongji University, Prof. Benjamin Mouton brought a series of lectures to faculty and students of College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP). This series of lectures were jointly organized by CAUP and WHITRAP Shanghai. Prof. Benjamin Mouton introduced a core course "Structure and Reinforcement of Historic Buildings" of Ecole de Chaillot into Tongji University, giving the Tongji teachers and students the chance to get in touch with the advanced concepts and technical methods of French architectural heritage conservation.

The first three lectures centered on different technical issues in the conservation of historic buildings. The first lecture "Cause of Damage" was a comprehensive analysis of the types and mechanisms of historic building deterioration due to factors such as environmental reasons, lack of adaptability, lack of structural design and changes of the service period. The missing of “Genius Loci” and different design strategy after the changing of the historic settings were discussed. The second lecture, "Conservation of Masonry", took masonry, the most common type of historical material in Western historic buildings as an example, and discusses the modes of water as the primary disease and the methods of humidity reducing, salt-draining and cleaning Approach. The third lecture, Reinforcement of Structures, began with the history of structural theory and practice, discussed the main causes of structural failure, and focuses on reinforcing strategies to deal with different structural problems with a wealth of case studies.

The fourth lecture by Professor Benjamin Mouton focused on Notre-Dame de Paris, the magnificent French heritage he has been working on for over 14 years. The lecture was divided into three parts: the Gothic Architecture, the Giant's Time and the Successor's Contribution. It focused on the different contributions made by architects to this great building from the 12th to the 21st century under the guidance of different principle and concepts.

Prof. Benjamin Mouton is an honorary fellow of the American Institute of Architects. He has served as the Inspector of Heritage Building, French Ministry of Culture and Exchange, Vice President of ICOMOS, Chairman of French Architecture Institute and the Chief Architect of the conservation project of Notre Dame in Paris.

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