News| Conclusion of Heritoplis Metropolitan Heritage 2022 events
  PublishDate:2022-11-09  Hits:1351



Heirtoplis is a three-year research project organized by UN-HABITAT'S PARTNERSHIP WITH UNIVERSITIES WORLDWIDE, which is an open collaborative network platform for higher education research cooperation provided by UN-HABITAT, and is based on the case studies of the participating universities' doctoral studies. The role of cultural and natural heritage in the planning, design and management of twenty-first-century metropolises is discussed. Advancing new research through discussion, the nodal workshops will bring together visionary leaders and UN partners including policymakers, urban planning agencies, experts, business leaders, academic institutions, researchers, and social organizations. It will provide a platform to facilitate the exchange and expression of innovative approaches for defining, producing, and promoting the role of heritage in the twenty-first-century metropolis. One of the objectives of the project is to produce a policy initiative for UN-Habitat (Police Pages). In addition, the results of the study will provide important support to the monitoring and updating reports of UNESCO's 2011 HUL Recommendations,2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and New Urban Agenda.

Meeting in September (1)



Since December 5, 2021, in addition to the regular biweekly academic advancement meetings, the Heritoplis project team has organized and participated in the Seoul International Forum on Metropolitan Heritage, the World Urban Forum (WUF11, 2022) in Poland in June, and the "New Dimensions of Heritage in the 21st Century" Heritoplis Global Symposium in early September , the UNESCO-Mondiacult 2022 World Congress in Mexico at the end of September, and other important international conferences, gradually releasing updated global reports to the outside world.

Meeting in September (2)

On November 1 at 12:30 international standard time, the Heritoplis Metropolitan Heritage Project Team held an internal online meeting with 21 experts from Germany, Italy, UK, Israel, Spain, Korea and China to make a comprehensive review of the international conference affairs within the project in 2022, to look ahead to 2023 and discuss the work and planning for 2023-2024. The results of the various research teams' contributions over the past year were particularly noteworthy in the presentation of the global symposium, especially the visual presentation of the research results by the World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO (WHITRAP) Shanghai Branch through a video, which provided an excellent opening to the meeting, and the ideas presented in its research report complimented the large scale (cross-administrative) regional heritage conservation gaps. The presentations from this workshop have been summarized as the basis for the coming year's work. It is expected that the Heritoplis project team will continue to actively participate in and promote international workshops and conferences, with Istanbul and Shanghai expected to be the host venues for international online workshops in the first half of 2023.

Meeting in Novernber 

Contributed by:MU Xinyu

Typeset by:JI Zhenjiang (Intern)

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