NCCA – WHITRAP Shanghai Training on Impact Assessments for World Heritage in the Philippines
Release date :2022-05-26
Views: 2942

- Date
May 26, June 2, June 16, and June 22, 2022
- Organizers
World Heritage Institute of Training and Research in Asia and the Pacific Region, Shanghai (WHITRAP Shanghai)
- Background
The Advisory Bodies to the Convention, in partnership with the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, have developed Guidance and Toolkits for Impact Assessment in the World Heritage context. These serve to better assist State Parties in the understanding of what these assessments entail and to provide a roadmap for their implementation.
In 2022, the State Party of Philippines expects to improve the management and conservation of World Heritage. Based on the requirements and situation in Philippines, NCCA and WHITRAP Shanghai signed the Cooperative Project Agreement related to the implementation of capacity building activities to focus on key management aspects for World Heritage and on Impact Assessments.
WHITRAP Shanghai, in collaboration with its partner NCCA, has organised a capacity building activity, composed of four online lectures and a workshop, which aim to:
• Understand statutory processes established in the World Heritage system and existing tools for their implementation;
• Promote awareness of and better understanding of conservation and management of World Heritage Properties, including monitoring requirements and reporting mechanisms;
• Equip the participants with current knowledge, methodological approaches and skills in the design and implementation of Impact Assessments in the context of World Heritage.
- Working Language
- Target Audience
site managers, administration officials of World Heritage site, cultural sector, development sector, environment sector, tourism sector, professionals from Universities and NGOs etc. of the Philippines.
- Correspondence
Chief, Cultural Properties Protection and Regulation Division, NCCA
Ms. Hong LI
Programme Specialist, WHITRAP Shanghai