Domestic Training Course on Historic Urban Landscapes (HUL)
Release date :2013-11-08 Views: 10693

It is noted that the International Forum on World Cultural Landscapes with the associated 2nd Annual Meeting of Union for Conservation of Historic Urban Landscape is to be held from November 5 to 7 in Hangzhou, China. To facilitate some trainee`s participation in the above conference and upon discussion with the conference host, the training course of WHITRAP Shanghai has been rescheduled to November 8 to 12, 2013. Please kindly be noted.


The domestic training course on Historic Urban Landscapes (HUL) is to be held in November 2013.
It will last for 4 full days and include 7 modules:
1. Historic Urban Landscape: Concept and Approach
2. The World Heritage Convention and Origins of HUL
3. HUL Action Plan: Essential Steps and Toolkit Design
4. World Heritage and Sustainable Development
5. World Heritage Site Management
6. Sustainable Tourism
7. Presentations and Roundtable

This course will be taught by international and Chinese lecturers combined, and the specific time and venue will be updated on the WHITRAP official website (www.whitr-ap.org) in the middle of September 2013. The background of this course please refer to the attached documents.
If any inquiry, please feel free to contact us.

Contact: Mrs. LIU Zhen, E-mail: whitrap.training@gmail.com, Tel: +86-21-65987687 ext. 8003.


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