- [2007-07-09]World Heritage Specialist Prof. Herb Stovel Conducting an Evaluation At WHITR-AP (Shanghai)
- [2007-05-30]A Visit of Mr. Andres Pena,Deputy Consul General of Consulate General of Mexico onMexican Photograph...
- [2007-05-28]The International Symposium on the Concepts and Practices of Conservation and Restoration of Histori...
- [2007-05-22]Report of Symposium
- [2007-05-14]The 31st session of the World Heritage Committee, Christchurch, New Zealand, 23 June to 2 July 2007....
- [2007-05-09]SuZhou Meeting on May 1st, 2007
- [2007-04-05]Colloque International sur l’Organisation et le Fonctionnement du
- [2007-04-02]World Heritage in China
- [2007-04-02]Nouvelle Publication : ‘Le Patrimoine Mondial en Chine’, bientot disponible !
- [2007-04-02]Annonce du premier programme de formation « Plan de Gestion du Patrimoine Mondial
- [2007-04-02]International Symposium on the Organization and Operation of World Heritage Institute of Training an...
- News | WHITRAP Shanghai and CNR-ISPC bilateral meeting
- News | WHITRAP meets Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine
- WHITRAP Hosting "Workshop on Preliminary Assessment for National Focal Points of the Asia Region" in Chengdu
- WHITRAP Shanghai meets UNESCO
- Observation of the 46th Session of the World Heritage Committee
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