SEAMEO SPAFA-WHITRAP Training Workshop on Heritage Impact Assessment held in Melaka
From:Heritap Author:Heritap  PublishDate:2024-04-28  Hits:4384

The Training Workshop on Heritage Impact Assessment: Principles, Methodology and Mitigation Measures was successfully held in Melaka Malaysia, from 22-26 April 2024. The workshop is organized by SEAMEO Regional Centre for Archaeology and Fine Arts (SEAMEO SPAFA) and Department of National Heritage, Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture, Malaysia (DNH), co-organized by WHITRAP Shanghai, National University of Singapore, DNLF Heritage Studies Centre of KMITL. 32 participants from 11 countries (Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam) and 12 resource persons joined the workshop. Ms. LI Hong, project director of WHITRAP Shanghai, was invited as resource person. Prof. SHAO Yong, executive director of WHITRAP Shanghai made closing address.
Group photo

The overall objectives, principals, methodology, evaluation, and mitigation measures of heritage impact assessment (HIA) was elaborated step by step by the resource people in the first four days. Three hypothetical projects of Melaka World Heritage were used to undertake the heritage impact assessments on the ground. In addition, the context of implementing HIA in World Heritage, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong China, Thailand, Indonesia, Pakistan, was shared through vivid cases. The practice of HIA in Southeast Asia countries are imbalance. However, the consensus that Heritage Impact Assessment is a tool and a process to manage change to sustainable development, is reached. More good practices, pilots of different types of heritage, templates, and Guidelines of policy document to facilitate HIA of implementation from heritage authorities to professionals are strongly requested.

SEAMEO SPAFA is an intergovernmental Southeast Asia sub-regional organization and WHITRAP Shanghai will continue the collaboration in the theme of heritage impact assessment, urban heritage, and other World Heritage matters.

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Janet Pillai

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Li Hong

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Hatthaya Siripatthanakun

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Steve Phillips

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Junn Ng (Datin)

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Asyaari bin Muhamad

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Asyaari bin Muhamad

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Ruzairy bin Arbi

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Nikhil Joshi

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Ronarit Dhanakoses

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Group work

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Group presentation

Copyright © 2009-2012 World Heritage Institute of Training and Research-Asia and Pacific (shanghai)