2nd Call for Abstracts International Conference on Reshaping Heritage Conservation In Higher Education: What, How, For Whom? New deadline 5 January 2025
Experiences, concepts and trends in the field of education on urban-rural heritage conservation.
The International Network for Urban-rural Heritage Conservation in Higher Education Institutions (UHC-HEI) 1st International Conference, Shanghai, China 25-26 October 2025
WHITRAP Shanghai is pleased to announce the extension of the deadline to 5 January 2025 of the call for abstracts of the first International Conference of the International Network for Urban-rural Heritage Conservation in Higher Education Institutions (UHC-HEI) on ‘‘Reshaping Heritage Conservation in Higher Education: What, How, for Whom?”, experiences, concepts and trends in the field of education on urban-rural heritage conservation, organized next year, on 25-26 October 2025 in Shanghai, China, by Tongji University as host, and by the College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, the World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region (Shanghai) under the auspices of UNESCO (WHITRAP Shanghai), the Built Heritage journal and the Heritage Architecture journal. Check the call for abstract and the submission template below for more information and the Conference timeline.
The Conference will be chaired by Prof. Chang Qing, Professor of the College of Architecture and Urban Planning at Tongji University and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Prof. Shao Yong, Secretary General of the World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO (WHITRAP) and Director of WHITRAP Shanghai, Professor, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, and Prof. Zhang Peng, Vice dean and Professor of the College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, will be the co-executive chair of the conference.
The Scientific Committee of the conference is fully international, composed of representatives from major universities and institutions from 5 regions of the world.
The International Network for Urban-rural Heritage Conservation in Higher Education Institutions (UHC-HEI), established in 2023 by CAUP Tongji University and WHITRAP Shanghai, aims to contribute to reshaping educational practices and advance the ongoing discussion on the role and function of urban-rural heritage in development processes within the global policy dialogue on culture, education and development.
Related activities
The Organization will develop a series of activities related to the Conference, and within the framework of the UHC-HEI Network.
Before the Conference:
• ICOMOS CIAV-ICICH Workshop to be held in a traditional village in Yunnan Province.
During the Conference:
• UHC-HEI Steering Committee meeting.
• International Student Design Award
After the Conference:
• Technical visits to be held in and around Shanghai.
Please pay attention to subsequent relevant announcements.
The official language of the Conference will be English. Abstract proposals will be submitted in English. The Organization will provide simultaneous English-Chinese translation for all sessions.
The call is open to all, and welcomes students, young scholars and practitioners.
How to submit
Abstracts (300 words max.) should be submitted in English following the abstract template provided in attachment and emailed to conf_uhchei@whitr-ap.org by 5 January 2025 before midnight.
For queries related to the Conference, please contact conf_uhchei@whitr-ap.org and specify “Question” in the e-mail Subject
2nd Call Abstract template UHC HEI Conference 25_26 October 2025(2)
Annoucement 2nd Call for abstracts UHC HEI Conference 25_26 October 2025(3)
The New Deadline is 5 January before midnight UTC.